I've kind of been a bit too embarassed to post anything here, due to how low quality my stuff is when compared to literally everyone else on the site. I didn't want to shit up the portal, so I decided to hide on 4chan making Mothhorse animations for the Mothpony thread, and attempting to better improve at my skills. I've moved from Flash 8 to Adobe Animate CC (though I still intend on using Flash 8 for times where it is appropriate), and have switched from SAI 2 to Photoshop CC. I have made at least ten animations between June and now, ranging from a two seconds to 45 seconds, none of which have any audio due to being designed with 4chan in mind (4chan doesn't allow audio in video files).
I'm a bit more comfortable with animations and content creation now, so do expect new content to come out soon; the majority of it being related to mothhorses, and some of it relating to my other interests.
EDIT: I just realized I missed Clock Day. F U G.